Friday, March 4, 2011

Staying Alive

     My entire life has been spent in class. Taking class, teaching class, observing class, wishing I was in class, even skipping class in youthful defiance. And this endless cycle of class can become tedious. Routine, to a certain extent. But then there are some that come along that change you. Classes that you will remember for the rest of your life. My daily classes now seem to be a blended montage in my memory, but there are a few that stick out and will remain firmly entrenched in my heart as the Best Moments Of My Life. Classes that change you not only as a dancer, or a teacher, but as a Human Being.  I took one such class today.

   I've been extremely lucky in my dance career to have taken class from some prolific teachers such as Mia Michaels, Wade Robson, Tiffany Mclean, Evelyn Hart, Suzie Taylor, Brian Foley and more. I add another name to that list today. Benoit-Swan Pouffer-Artistic Director of Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet. His approach resonated within me. My Head and Heart and Soul felt filled in a way that I haven't felt in some time. His theories on movement and emphasis on the feel made so much sense to my body. His constant direction to "stay ALIVE" gave me the freedom to add my touch to his work. He ended his class with a series of slow walks forward and backwards. Just walking. Simple movement, to heartbreaking strings of music that echoed in the room. I had tears on my lashes and forgave myself for every mistake I had every made. Every blunder in class/rehearsal came to the front of my mind and I let it go. Finally. I was free. At last released from all the guilt and worry I had harbored over the long years. I left feeling spent, restored, sweaty as a beast and deliriously happy. Tomorrow, I will be sore. Sore and happy. Stronger. Looking forward, not behind. And excusing the obvious pun... "Staying Alive"

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