Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dreaming In Revelry

It always seemed so simple. Almost too simple, really. Such a clear, defined path to follow. Create the work. Set the work. Rehearse the work. Show the work. Repeat as necessary. But now there are so many other things to think about and accomplish. Promote the work. Find new places to show the work. Network to get your work seen. It's a learning curve to take my life outside of the studio. I haven't previously thrown my work out into the world in a setting where dance wasn't the main draw. It's been interesting and ultimately, the response thus far has been encouraging. Enough so that I'll keep doing it. There are a lot more opportunities out there than I previously thought. The possibilities are endless.

This week has been particularly grueling for the simple fact that my body isn't used to this amount of dancing. And hard dancing. Rehearsals for our performance have been going well. Got one tonight and one tomorrow night, our final two rehearsals before show and tell time. It's always such a madcap rush at the end, but it's the adrenaline that makes this shit worthwhile. All the times spent in the studio, it's the anecdote to the anxiety of a piece hitting the stage.

I've been so over-caffeinated these days. Been guzzling more pepsi than anyone has the right to. I'm sure it's doing awful things to my body, and I'm peeing every ten minutes, but oh it's so good. I don't even really feel the effects of caffeine anymore. I know I've gotta stop, but not yet... please not yet IT'S KEEPING ME GOING!

Reminder that there will be no drop in Int/Adv Jazz this Friday. We'll start back March 4th and WERK!

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