Friday, February 25, 2011

"You're actually just insane...."

That was perhaps the most hilarious response I get from a fellow dancer about my schedule for the day. Teach, rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, teach, teach, rehearse, rehearse. Tomorrow is sure to be a long day as well. Report, teach, perform, perform. Maybe followed by a collapse. My body is certainly feeling the effects of teaching that many hours that many days straight. And working 13 hour days in general. I'm using A535 like it's a lifestyle. Which, in a way, I guess it is. One of these days I will book an hour full body massage. Oh sweet baby jesus, it makes me feel better just to think it.

I'm currently procrastinating finishing getting ready to meet a friend for coffee. My body really just hurts that much, but it's been a while since I've seen Carlyn and we have so much to catch up on. Mornings like this were made for friend coffee dates. Especially when that coffee is Starbucks. I'm horribly addicted, get used to it. Continuing with the massive overcaffination for yet another day. Probably until at least Monday. I'll keep you posted on that. Since I know it's of dire interest how much caffeine I really consume.

Performance tomorrow! I'm looking forward to it. I like the culmination of a piece. To finally get it on the stage just makes me happy.

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