Thursday, January 19, 2012

Don't Keel Over Now... PIPA and Plies

 So here's something I want to get everyone rallied on. The new SOPA/PIPA that congress is trying to get passed. It's causing a huge clusterfuck, and for good reason. It will cripple the internet. Just destroy it. And my friends, if you think it has no bearing on dance, think again. Internet copyright infringement is already affecting us. You want to upload a video on youtube of your dancing? Better make sure you're not using any music. Odds are the track isn't authorized for use. Regardless of not making any money off of it. But they are. They absolutely are making money off of you dancing to that song. What if someone watches your video and decides they love the music, then that person goes and buys it. Money in their pocket. That person then tells their friends about the awesome new song they found. They buy it too. Take that song off the video because it isn't authorized for reproduction? You just cost yourself money Entertainment Industry. Not that you need it.
               Check out this video. It explains all the nitty details about the act and why it needs to be stopped. What it doesn't mention is the US has already sued a 12 YEAR OLD for copyright infringement over a youtube video. I will repeat that. THE US GOVERNMENT SUED A 12 YEAR OLD. A child who has no concept of what copyright infringement even is. Her life is effectively ruined. So check out the video and if you agree with me that this act is ridiculous, sign the petitions, write a congressman or simply pass along the link to others. The best part about this, is I'M NOT AMERICAN. I'm Canadian. And I think it's deplorable that the American Government thinks they have the right to decide how the entire world uses the internet. Like they own it. Here's the video.

  Now on to dance related things. Busy these days. Very busy. It is, once again, January which means competition approaches swiftly. There's still so much to do. It will get done. It's my job to get it done. And to inspire these kids to give more than they thought they had.
      I'm also in the midst of work on my choreography reel. It's coming together. I am happy. It's a labor of love, but maddening at times. So it is with joy, determination and a healthy dose of frustration that I go about my daily work. Art can be unforgiving at times. And all those old self-doubts resurface just when I think I'd gotten rid of them. Insecurities have no place here. But I feel the fear and do it anyways, because who among us has any other choice? If we let fear cripple us we would never move forward. I'm ready to move forward and sick, so sick, of standing still.

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