Monday, February 6, 2012


    I am so balls to the wall excited for the future. I mean that literally. It is time to go balls to the wall, no fear, no hesitation, no holding back. I am thrilled at the prospect of it. Energized to work, work until I weep from exhaustion, until my body can no longer stand it is so wrecked from hours of rehearsal. Sounds awful, but to me, it is what I live for. To be so consumed by my art. And the opportunity is more than out there. I just walked through the door. A few really exciting projects coming out soon. They are all in the works (I have the aches from rehearsal to prove it) and I can't wait to share all of it with you. More details to come soon and it's going to be one for the books. Tell your friends. It's what I would do.

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