Friday, April 27, 2012

Back on Track

I've been letting a lot of things slide lately. Between regular teaching, private lessons, competition and all the rest, many things have slid down the priority list. Like laundry. Dishes. General cleaning. I spent all last Monday getting my house back together. It looked as though Hurricane Tressa had blown through it. Which I had. Hastily throwing a meal together after getting home from competition, only to jump in the shower and flop in bed. Then get up before dawn to do it all again. Talk about clutter. 
    I feel more back to normal this week. Busy as the last weeks, but a little calmer about the whole mess. Which is relieving. My entire new way of life had suffered. I reverted back to drinking pepsi all hours of the day. Consistently having a bottle in my hand. Damn you pepsi. Damn you. I ate all the easiest (worst) meals when I got home at night.... I'm back with it now. Bringing real food with me. Ensuring I have water on hand. Basically taking care of myself because who else will? 

  Competition has been going really great. The students are all dancing well, there has been minimal costume catastrophes... And they are just the cutest things in the world. Case in point....See above. 
Couple of the highlights so far, sr. duo/trio overall 1st and 3rd. jr. small group 1st overall, sr large group 1st overall, dance offs. sr solo 1st overall. It's been great thus far. This weekend we head to Toronto (students all ready there, I head down on Saturday) to get our groove on at Rhythm Dance. So continued good luck to all the students and I just can't wait to see how they do. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Compassion Must Extend To Self

There's a shift happening right now. Not the shift in seasons happening outside (though Spring is whispering through the trees) but more an internal shift. I feel myself becoming more grounded. More settled. It's an odd shift, one I am still assessing my feelings on. But I'm happy. Really, truly Happy. I started doing yoga again. And wondered why on earth I stayed away for so long. I took up baking. Delicious smells fill my new house, I bake, he cooks, we clean. I eat more fruit and vegetables. I am trying to live greener, more consciously. I think I'm just trying to live responsibly. Make a better future for any children I might have and their generation and the generations after.
     Competition is next weekend. I'm hoping my new calm collectiveness will carry me through this traditionally hectic (ok, freaking the fuck out) time of the year. Take it as it comes, costume mishaps, mistakes, spacing hell..... Let it come and let it go. I am very much excited for it. To see my pieces take to the stage, the forum which they are meant to be seen and displayed in. The students have all worked so hard and I look forward to them seeing the fruits of that labor. Learning that you get out what you put in. And they've put in a lot. It's going to be an exciting and emotional few weekends.
     The video for Kay is done! Filmed a few weeks ago on a frigid and late Saturday night. It may have been freezing, and I may have been at work for 14 hours that day, but what an amazing experience. The crew was fantastic, Ian provided an awe inspiring track, what more can a dancer ask for? The muses were with us that night. I can't wait to see and share the final product. Hopefully I can have that on its way shortly. It's going to be a good one!