Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This State of Emergency

They say April showers bring May flowers. In my world it's more like April showers bring COMPETITION SEASON. I'm currently gearing up for stage rehearsal and all things comp. This includes the tedious tasks of tweaking music cuts, making cds of said tweaked music, creating makeup face charts, compiling lists of the cosmetics needed to do what is on said face chart, rhinestoning (endless stoning, only to be done in the company of fellow teachers with copious amounts of wine), make up trials for those pieces that require over and above the usual, still more rehearsals and regular classes, worrying about costumes that won't be finished on time... The list of "things to fucking do" is endless. And there will always be more to do, some last lurking task that remains hidden until it's "HOLY FUCK WE FORGOT TO DO THIS WE HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT NOW!'

  We have stage rehearsal on Saturday and stage rehearsal always fills me with excitement and dread in equal measure. Excitement since it's all coming together and it gives me a chance to see my work from a distance and get an idea of what it's actually going to look like. Dread because spacing is always a disaster and dancing in costumes for the first time can be tricky. Particularly my group that actually uses their skirts... it will be their first time doing so. I get the distinct feeling it's going to be scary. But then again we have another two weeks after that to do even more rehearsal. It will be ok. Yes that is the sound of me trying to convince myself more than anyone.

  On Monday there was a freak power outage at the studio. After calming the kids down, we had a lovely time dancing in the pitch black studio, with nothing but cell phone and candle light. It was very earth hour of us. When the power came back on however, so did the heat.... in full force. And they are unable to shut it off. So the studio is like a steam bath. Akin to dancing in a sauna. I'm now sweating by the time my warm up has hit  "and stretch forward...". Keep in mind I'm about 8 counts into the warm up at this point. But sweating is good for us. There are definitely no toxins left in my body. I don't see how there could be.

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