Wednesday, April 13, 2011

To Do?

This is what my to do list looks like.....

1- Finish/hand in rest of my work for Adapt (update- just did this)
2- Finish headpiece for solo costume. Time to plug in that glue gun
3-Go to bank
4-Get boxes and packing tape
5-Pack my life into said boxes
6-Class plans for while I'm away at competition
7-Teach, teach, rehearse, rehearse, rehearse
8-Sew elastics onto costume prop
9-Sleep?? Should I bother trying to put that on here??

Um... I think that's everything. I fervently hope that's everything because if I forgot something it will clearly not ever get done. Which would be bad because Everything Needs to Get Done. I feel better for simply having written that stuff down though.

And now, time for AN APPEAL TO THE VOTING MASSES! Now, I am well aware that my generation is apathetic about voting. You feel your vote won't change anything. Or you're ill informed about politics and don't know who to vote for. Well, I'm here to help. Your vote DOES MATTER. If you're not happy with the current state of things, there's a lot you can do to show your unhappiness besides not voting. Because what happens when we don't vote? The government that gets in power is not a true representation of what the country wants. So here's what you can do. Get yourself informed. Here are links to every party's website. Read their platform. See where you stand. Or go to CBC Vote Compass which asks a series of questions about where you stand on certain issues and flat out tells you which party you most align with.

A few more things before I wrap this up. If you're still unsure of who you want to vote for, or don't care to take the time to get informed, there is one more thing you can do instead of not voting. DISCOUNT YOUR BALLOT!. Go, vote, and check off more than one party. Vote for every single person on that ballot. That renders it useless, but you've shown up so you can be counted as having voted. That sends a much clearer message to the powers that be in Canada than simply not showing up. It's time to stop being apathetic about the state of our country. Because let's face it. This generation is no longer the future. We're having kids. Getting married. We have jobs. We buy houses. We pay taxes. Our kids are now the future. Which makes us the present. And makes us accountable and responsible in a way that we weren't when we thought of ourselves as the future generation. Time to be in the present. VOTE!  One more thing.... May 2nd not convenient for you to vote? It isn't for me either. Go to to find out where to vote, how to vote, and when your advance polls are. It's time for change Canada and it starts with us.

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